Below information will be useful to you if you are looking at setting up a home reporting workstation. 

Normal RANZCR monitor requirements 


Below are the diagnostic monitor requirements made available by RANZCR.

If you are interested in purchasing a diagnostic monitor that meet the below requirements, we can help you get in touch with a supplier.



Reference - 



Pandemic RANZCR monitor requirements


Below are the monitor requirements made available by RANZCR for home reporting during the pandemic.

Please refer the reference article below for more details on reporting using a consumer monitor.


Reference -


Below are a few examples of monitors that meet the above requirements.


Below document made available by RANZCR lists more monitors that is suitable for this purpose.



Best web site to buy a Speech Mike


Below is the best web site to purchase a speech mic. They usually deliver with in the week.


Reporting PC 


Below is a link to a PC that you can purchase to go with any of the above pandemic RANZCR monitors.