Below is the new eReferral area in RIS.

Received e-referrals will be in the "eReferral Requests" tab as above. 

To make a booking open the referral by double clicking the referral. 

A new patient record is created with every ereferral. we need to make a change to the patient record and save the patient record to force RIS to check if the patient record is a duplicate. If the pattient record is found to be a duplicate please merge them. 

Shedule the scan for the requested/agreed date time. 

Referrer if new will be in free text form. If this is the case please create a new referrer in the system.  If its a existing referrer, existing referrer details will be prefilled . Check and adjust if necessary. 

In the billing area quote for the scan and save the order. Once this is done eReferrral will move to the "eReferrals work In progress" tab in RIS.

You can use the "eReferrals Search" tab to search for eReferrals.