Follow the below steps to send a eReferral from Best Practice software to Imaging Associates.
1. Open you patient record in Best Practice
2. Please make sure that the patient record has a mobile number or a email address so they can be contacted about their eReferral. Save the patient record after adding the mobile number or the email address.
3. Once you have returned to the patient record click on the "Imaging Request" icon. See below, or you can press "Shift F6" to open up the "Imaging Request window"
4. Select "Imaging Associates" as the provider. Please note that this needs to be the "Imaging Associates" with the order pathway configured for eReferrals.
Select the following in the imaging request.
a. Type of Imaging Request. (e.g. Plain X-ray)
b. Select the region. (Cervical Spine)
c. Your imaging and region selections will flow through to the "Requests to be printed on form" box.
d. You can add special instructions in the "Details to be printed on form"
5. Click " Print and Send"
6. You will receive a pop up saying "Ensure that the correct paper is in the printer !" , Please check that you have paper and click ok.
What happens next ?
When you press "OK" your image request is encripted and sent to us. We will contact the patient to organise the imaging appointment.