Below steps need to be completed to set up a referrer to send eReferrals to Imaging Associates.

1. Promedicus .NET software needs to be updated for the referrer practice. Please email a request to          [email protected] with the practice contact details. 

2.  Email the Best Practice site id and the referrer practice name to [email protected].. Best practice site id can be found in the "About" section in Best practice software. See below. Please send a picture of the below window if you can.

3. Add Imaging Associates as a eReferrals sender in Best practice software for the referrer. 

    Please follow the steps below. Please note that below needs to be done on the server where Promedicus .NET software           installed as well. 

Follow the steps below to setup eReferrals in Best practice. 

1. Log into Best practice.

2. Go to contacts  - In Top Menu , View -> Contacts. Find the contact for Imaging Associates.

3. If there are multiple contacts for Imaging Associates identify the primary/active one and delete the others.

4. Edit or add the Imaging Associates contact. 

5. Select Company/Institution for the Type.

6. Name in No 1 below needs to be "Imaging Associates", Please note that this is case sensitive and there can be no spaces        between the before or after the name. Between the two words there needs to be 1 space. 

7. Category in No 2 below  must be "Imaging Provider" or "Radiology". 

8. Add the address of the Imaging Associates Practice they prefer in No 3 below. 

9. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Pro Medicus\Email\hl7exports in the server and share the folder with all users and give all            users write and read access to the folder.

10. Click "setup E-ordering" (No 4 above) and configure the path as per below. Tick "Send electronic orders to this provider"         and save. (Find the IP address of the server and find the shared folder using the UNC path. Enter the UNC path in the               Below text filed. )

How to send a eReferral

Follow the steps below  to send a eReferral.